Friday 15 May 2020


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Tuesday 30 January 2018

The Greatest Showman | Review

The minute I saw the trailer for this film I knew I needed to see it. With a cast containing Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron and Zendaya, you could just tell it was going to be incredible.

This is one of those films that is made for the big screen. As much as I'm fully anticipating its DVD release, I could tell it was going to be much more magical at the cinema scale, and I was not disappointed. From start to finish I was drawn into the storyline and each of the characters. The songs are brilliant and I can confirm I have had the soundtrack on repeat for the past week, since watching it. To go along with this, the choreography really stood out to me, especially in the 'From Now On' number. Now as a very mediocre dancer myself this might not mean much, but it really contributed to what I considered, on a whole, to be a well thought out and directed movie. 

It was colourful and funny and heartwarming. It tugged at your heartstrings and made me literally want to throw my popcorn at the screen at one point.
I think I have discovered a new favourite, one that I will come back to again and again. It made me wish I was a trapeze artist who ran away with the circus, you know, as great films always do! 

This film will have you singing along at the top of your lungs and rooting for the down trodden. It's a rollercoaster but in the best way possible. I only have good words to say about it and would recommend it to everyone (as I have been).

Beth xo

Saturday 21 October 2017

5 Series I'm Binge Watching this Autumn

Hello there on this lovely Saturday morning, I hope you're waking up with the full opportunity of the weekend stretched out before you. Now you probably aren't wondering 'where oh where have I been?' but I'll answer it anyway. America, University, in bed ill.
I haven't posted since May(!) and I feel like that's a recurring them that happened after last summer too. I don't know what happens, I think once I'm out of the routine I find it hard to slot myself back in where I left off. But to be honest I've been kind of crappy at the whole blogging thing since the summer before last, so I have a lot of slack to be picking up! But this time for real I want to get myself back into the routine of blogging. I miss this creative outlet and basically I just miss writing.

So I thought I'd catch you up with some things that I have been doing lately as to ease myself back in. And as most people when it gets to this time of year I've been binge watching tv shows, thank you to that borrowed Netflix password.

  • Teen Wolf. Now I'm know I'm soo late to the bandwagon with this one but it's been on my netflix list for so long, I just haven't got around to watching it. As much as I think that some of the 'werewolf' things are a bit silly, (seriously have you seen them run on all fours?) I'm so invested now. The finale of the final season has just aired so I'm racing to not have anything spoiled for me.
  • The Confessions Tapes. This is a new one for me but also one that's been waiting on my List. I'm two episodes in and I'm already trying to find ways to watch it instead of doing uni work. This true crime drama is right up my street and definitely one for you if you loved Making A Murderer.
  • The Ranch. This is a project by Ashton Kutcher and it's so country and wholesome and simple that it's just feel good tv. You get invested with the characters and it gives you a good laugh.
  • Love. This is on the second season now and it's not your average love story to say the least. It follows an ex-addict and her geeky new love interest as they try to navigate a normal relationship, well, as normal as it can be in LA.
  • White Gold. Now this is some good old British humour, its got Ed Westwick (two mins while I just swoon) and James Buckley and Joe Thomas from The Inbetweeners. It's funny and crass but it's a good pick me up for when these other dramas pull a bit too much on the old heartstrings.  
So there you go, the 5 series' I am and will continue binge watching this Autumn/Winter time. I hope you enjoy them as much as I've been.

Love, Beth xo

Monday 8 May 2017

4 Place I'd Rather Be

Right now this is the last thing I should be doing, but in the midst of writing (or should I say procrastinating) I found that all I really wanted to do was write here.
I go through ebbs and flows with this blog and there are day where i couldn't feel more inspired to just type my life away. Unfortunately, I have a lot more things to juggle since being at uni and I haven'y been able to find my balance. Meaning that although I love it, my blog has been very neglected! And that makes me so sad, but I will get there. Life is manic at the moment and I'm hoping that my second year of uni will allow me some more stability.

Anyway, what I'm really here to share is my desire for a holiday! Not unexpected considering deadlines are looming and summer is a matter of weeks away. So the obvious thing for me to be doing is looking up idyllic holiday locations, right?!

Now that I'm thoroughly pining for some sun and beautiful scenery, back to essay writing I go. I hope this has satisfied your wanderlust for now!

Love, Beth xo 

Friday 14 April 2017

Time Flies...

It's April. 
This may be obvious to you lot who actually keep track of your calendars and probably read blog posts on a daily basis.
I haven't posted since February. 
This hasn't been a conscious decision. In fact I don't really know why I haven't written. Maybe I've been uninspired, maybe I've been busy, maybe I've been distracted. Maybe it's a bit of all of those.
It doesn't dawn on you how quickly time passes until you look back and realise you don't know where that time went. What did I do with the last 2 months? I'm unsure to be honest.
And in another 2(ish) months I'll be jetting back to the US for another incredible summer at camp. And then it will be September again! It's all a lot and not enough time isn't it?

I do want to start writing posts again because I hate that I can't keep this blog regular. I do love it and I do love writing, so I don't know where I'm going wrong. Maybe it's my lack of organisation and my major case of procrastination. I'm not going to lie I have become mega lazy and am prone to just putting things off. But how have I done that with something I love and for 2 MONTHS?! 

Anyway, onwards and upwards.
I have a week and a half left of easter holidays, uni work to do, money to earn, flights to book and 4 summative essays to write before 15th May. So wish me luck that I don't lose my head in the process. 

I hope you see you here again very soon!
Love, Beth xo

Friday 10 February 2017

Why I Like Reading

Considering I am doing an English Literature degree it is evident that I am a fan of reading. But some of the main questions I have been asked since starting this degree are:
How do you read so much? Don't you get bored? I can barely finish a book, how do you read so read so many? 

And I have to reply by saying, 'because I enjoy it' or some other generic answer because it would take too long to explain why or how I read so much and why I enjoy it. And in all honesty I doubt the person asking is actually asking, if you know what I mean.
But I do think it is an interesting question, why do I read so much? Why do I love it? Because reading is such a personal and individual experience. Everyone gets something different from it and no two people will read the same book and have an identical experience. And that is just one thing I love about reading! 
How interesting is it that two people can read the exact same words in the exact same order and not read the same thing? Isn't it incredible that books can impact people so deeply and in so many different ways?

I love reading because you can go months unsatisfied by everything you read because it just doesn't quite hit that spot, and then you can read something and it's like a light goes on. I find that when I read, I get these little epiphanies. Random moments when what I'm reading just clicks and I'm like 'yes I get that' or 'I totally agree' and it's a brilliant feeling. Somehow by reading things you can connect with people you've never met and probably will never meet on this level that is unlike any other. It's this mutual agreement and satisfaction that you're not alone in what you think.

Books can make you laugh, cry, get angry, feel, understand. Texts can teach you things, make you ask questions. Reading is so provocative. It makes you think and interact.

What an incredible device reading is when it can do all that and more. It actually makes me sad to think that people don't read, or can't read! There is so much that is being missed.

If I had the power to advocate anything, it would be to get more people interested in reading things, whether that's novels or reports or articles. Just go for it, you never know you might just enjoy it!

Love, Beth xo 

It is true that we get nothing whatsoever except pleasure from reading; it is true that the wisest of us is unable to say what that pleasure may be. But that pleasure – mysterious, unknown, useless as it is - is enough. That pleasure is so curious, so complex, so immensely fertilizing to the mind of anyone who enjoys it, and so wide in its effects, that it would not be in the least surprising to discover, on the day of judgement when secrets are revealed and the obscure is made plain, that the reason why we have grown from pigs to men and women, and come out from our caves, and dropped our bows and arrows, and sat round the fire and talked and drunk and made merry and given to the poor and helped the sick and made pavements and houses and erected some sort of shelter and society on the waste of the world, is nothing but this: we have loved reading. -Virginia Woolf

Tuesday 31 January 2017

They're Back!

I posted about these trousers a while back in this post, but I wanted to share them again because I really loved this outfit.
I love the contrast between the pin striped bodysuit and the bold floral print of the trousers. I added the belt last minute to define my waist more and to break the outfit up a bit. I paired it with some high top white Converse to keep it more casual and comfortable.
Overall I loved wearing this and am a bit annoyed I didn't manage to take any better pictures of it.
Have you got a statement piece in your wardrobe that you love to wear?

Love, Beth xo